Friday Aug 19 / 2016
Saturday Aug 20 / 2016
Sunday Aug 21 / 2016
Kids are Free
Fairy Festival in Northern NY
We Dont Just Dream It We Live It
Working with Horses 101
So you want to take hold of the reins to find your way to a fairy friendly future? Horse are one of humans oldest companions and are found through Celtic(and most of) history. As long as the fae have walked along side men so have horses. Fae even are known to have riden and used horses themselves in varying myth and legend. Hoses are a natural sustainable way to work land and travel. Plus the fairies prefer them to noisy tractors. Watch our horses in action on Arielle Acres at the festival.
Experience required: none
Scroll down to meet some of the Horses here at arielle acres Most of our 9 horses are barbent (large subbreed of belguim) however our white girl thumbelina is a percheron.


Thumbelina(left) and Nessie(right)
Pictured Below
Nessie(left) and Cinnamon(right)