Birth Art Classes
What can a Birth Art Class do for me?
Birth Art classes are first and formost a healing tool. Birth not only affects you for the moment you giving birth because birth is an experiance that remains with you for.
Mothers to Be
First time mothers may feel unsure and uneasy about birth in a society that looks at birth as a medical procedure.This can form many misconceptions and fears about their birth to be. If you feel you are being held back from your ideal birth experiance birth art may be the ideal healing tool you need.
Mothers Who Are
Many women who have already had a baby can feel robed of their birth experiance due to cesarean, interventions and even people who supported them during their birth. Even just having baby in a hospital setting vs at home can make your birth experiance less then you had hoped for.
Mothers and Fathers Who Have Lost a Child
Art has a way of letting us free from pain and tied up emotion. Birth art classes can allow you to grieve whether your baby was lost through birth or years later. Grieving can be difficult esspecially if you have additional children and are trying to stay strong for your family, your other children and just to survive in our fast paced world.
Who are these classes meant for?
Mothers to be
Mothers who feel robed of their birth experiance
Mothers who are tring for a VBAC
Mothers who are having a second baby
Mothers and Fathers who have lost a child
One of the main questions I get asked is do I have to be an artist?
Absolutly not, your art is an inspirational drawing/painting made by you for you. Feel free to share it if you like however the courses are not meant to make mothers into artists.
What do I need to bring with me to my class?
An open mind and an open heart will serve you best in these classes.
Leave all judgements at the door.
Art Supplies are included in class price.
If you are not dancing in your heart and soul your feet will never follow.
Online or In person classes availible with one on one instruction from Arielle