Fertility Workshop

Childbirth Education Workshops
All of our childbirth education courses evolve around the woman and child instead of around the doctor and his staff. This allows the mother to become more intouch with what her body is naturally capable of and can decrease interventions such as induction, episiotomies and c-sections.
We have three levels of courses for childbirth education.
First is our Basic which is a course that meets once a week.
Our basic course prepares you to have your baby in the way that is easiest and most comfortable for you and him/her.
Our extended course includes everthing the basic course offers however we also explore your body and taking care of your newborn.
Our comprehensive course includes everything from our extended course however it also expands on sexuality before and after baby is born, how to chart your fertility and nutrition as well as meal plans for you and your new family.
That time of the month is always a mystery that women have tried to sweep under the rug. After so many women sweeping so many thoughts under the same rug its no wonder that no one knows whats going on. Learn how to chart your cycle and get in control of your fertility. Say goodbye to pills that erradicate your hormones or devices that can potentially harm you. Maybe you are on the other side of the coin and have been trying forever to become pregnant. This course can help you either way. Dont be plagued by myths like the 14 day rule and 28 day period. Take charge of your fertility.
We have all heard it before breast is best. What they forget to mention that for many first time moms breastfeeding can be a rocky road. Did you know that the most common time for mom to give up is day 1-3? Learn what a good latch is how to get your baby to attain it and how to make sure baby is getting enough milk. This workshop will also go into specifics for moms who have inverted nipples, and other lactation concerns. This workshop includes a visit after baby is born to ensure proper latch. Remember if it hurts it isn't right.
Is your friend or partner about to give birth? Learn multiple techniques to ease her birth pains such as massage, rebozo, positioning and more. Every mom deserves to have the best birth possible which starts by having the most relaxing birth possible. Treat a special mom to be. She deserves it.

Breastfeeding Workshop

Birth Support Techniques
We offer many comperhensive workshops throughout the year and also personally at your home. Find out about doulas, yourself, your baby and even your sexlife.Check our Current Classes page for current dates and times. Scroll below to find out more.
Care of the Newborn Baby

Doulaing the Doula

Thinking about becoming a doula? Find out what it is like in our mini course. Learn with hands on tips about the skills, knowledge and wisdom nessacary to be an awsome doula. This is not a certification course and only enables the student to grasp what a doula is, does and lives like on a daily basis before making a larger commitment.
Becoming a parent is a life changing experiance. In this course we overview how to take care of your newborn baby all the way up to 12 months. This includes natural parenting techniques, herbal remidies, cloth diapering, feeding baby and more. Hoilistic approaches will be taken to each subject. Please note this workshop is included in our extended childbirth education workshop.