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We Serve all of Saint lawrence County including, Canton NY, Potsdam NY, Ogdensburg NY, Gouverneur NY and parts of Jefferson County NY including Watertown NY and  Fort Drum NY


Please fill out our intake form and email it to us or bring it to your consultantion.

Postpartum Doula

Did you just have a C-section and you are trying to recover? Maybe your trying to breastfeed for the first time? Need help with cloth diapering? Maybe even just some well deserved rest after childbirth? Postpartum Doula Services are by the hour with a three hour minimum per visit. $20 per hour

Our Workshops Include

Womans Wisdom Subjects

Natural Family Planning

Cloth Diapering

Feeding your family naturally

Living Green

Childbirth Education



 Home Births

 Relaxation Techniques

 Pain Coping Techniques

Birth Plans

 Herbal Services

 Energy Therapy

 Womens Health

 Natural Birth 


 Cloth Diapers

 The Wise Woman Way

 Grief Support

Birth Doula

Basic Package: Two Prenatal Visits, Continuous Support Throughout your Birth, one postpartum visit

Birth Prep: Five prenatal Visits, Contiuous Support at your birth and 1 postpartum

Postpartum Package: Two Prenatal Visits, Continuous Support at your birth, five postpartum visits (best for breastfeeding)

Extra Help Package: Five Prenatal Visits, Continuous Support throughtout your birth, Five postpartum visits(best for new moms or moms that need extra support with baby)

See our price list here


Provide Health care services

Act as a midwife or OBGYN

Make decisions for you

Blessingway Cerimonies

These Cerimonies are arranged per mother preferance. Know a Pregnant woman you would like to surprise with her own blessingway ceremony? Give us a call or a message so you can give her a gift she will never forget.

Birth Pool Rental

Birth pool rentals are for 30 days and include the use of our luxorious Professional Birthing Pool. Rental also includes a liner, electric air pump, submersible water pump and 2 hoses. Please let us know if you would like any additional accesories such as a birth pool cover, crowning mirror, etc

Click Here to find out more about our Birth Pool



Our Apothecary uses 100% all natural ingredients to keep your family healthy and happy naturally. Click Here to find out more

Herbalist Services

We provide consultations classes and more. Call 315-323-7849 to schedule. Arielle is a master herbailst and grows many of her own herbs on her farm Arielle Acres.

Opening hours

Free consultation

On Call for Birthing mother 24/7 around time of birth

Contact us for more information

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Like us on facebook and get $50 off your birth doula Package. When calling/ emailing let us know you liked us on facebook so we can calculate your discount.

© 2016 by Natures Birth Journey


Arielle Acres, Doula Canton NY, Doula Potsdam NY, Doula Watertown NY, Doula Watertown NY, Doula Fort Drum NY, Doula Ogdensburg NY, Doula Gouverneur NY, Doula Northern NY, New York Doula, Alexandria Bay NY, Doula Richville NY, Doula Massena NY, Doula Morristown NY, Doula North Country NY Doula Oxbow NY Doula Massena NY, Doula Lisbon NY, Doula Dekalb NY, Doula Colton NY Doula Carthage NY, Birth Services, Birthing Center Water Birth Midwife herbal herbalist natural health nutrition natural birth Doula will attend births at Claxton Hepburn medical center in ogdensburg, ny samaritan medical center in watertown, ny brockville general hospital in brockville, ontario births in toronto ON, Canton Potsdam Hospital, births, home births, Natural birth, natures birth right doula services, VBAC, VBAC2, VBAC3, C section, apothecary, herbalist,master herbalist, herbal, wise woman way, hypnobirth, hypnob, hypnotherapist, hypnosis, vaginal birth after cesarean, birth journey,  midwife assisted births and more

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