Birth Doula
What is a Birth Doula?
A birth doula is someone who supports the mother through her birthing experiance with knowledge and encouragement. This can vary from mother to mother however as a birth doula I often:
Take care of you during your birth so your partner can share in the experiance
Give you extra support as a mother who has given birth before
Use relaxation techniques unique to my training that can benefit you through:
quicker births
lower intervention rates
less painful birth
making contractions less painful
having your ideal birth experiance
allowing you to have your ideal birth experiance
Doulas usually visit the mother before giving birth, are present during the birth and offer a follow up postpatrum visit.
Some of the Birth Doula Services I offer are:
Guided Meditation for pregnancy
Herbal infusions for pregnancy, birth and postpatum
Energy and chakra therapy
Theraputic Touch
Getting ready for your baby
Helping you transition to motherhood with unlimited support
Private Classes
Lactation support
Cloth Diaper Support