Learn to ride the waves(contractions) and work with your body for an easier, less painful and shorter labor. Take control of your birth experience with natural pain relief methods, breathing and relaxation techniques, rebozo work, positioning, birth art and more. We will also go over natural baby care some of which includes breastfeeding and cloth diapering for a gentler way of bringing your baby into the world. Great for all mothers who want to have a natural birth experience including women who are giving birth for the first time, want to avoid interventions, VBAC and women who want a more enjoyable less painful birthing experience.
Class Cost: $18 for drop ins
$16 for military drop ins
$120 for all 8 classes bought at once
Natural Childbirth Education
An 8 week series that changes the
way women experiance birth
Friday 11am at Satyana Yoga Studio