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What is a doula?

A woman who is trained in the art of childbearing that can help to assist another woman during childbirth. A doula encompasses knowledge that can help the mother to be with her birthing experiance. She may provide support to the family before, during and after the baby is born.


What do doulas do?
  • Provides physical and emotional support
  • Uses comfort measures: breathing, relaxation, movement, positioning
  • Provides knowledge on various subjects relating to birth
  • Helps a mother become informed about various birth choices
  • Helps to explore all options for any interventions that may be purposed by care provider
  • Helps to keep communication open between the mother and care provider 
  • Looks after your partner and family as well however her primary concern is the mother
  • Gives continious support to mother throughout labor
  • Can help with any questions and concerns about baby after he/she is born
  • Provides Breastfeeding Support
  • Provides help with Cloth Diapering

Year of production: 2007

Running Time: 2:30 min

Color / Sound / Subtitled

What is a Doula? Multiple moms birth experianes with a doula and how a doula may be able to help you.

Year of production: 2014

Running Time: 5:31 min

Color / Sound / Subtitled

Year of production: 2009

Running Time: 6:58 min

Color / Sound / Subtitled

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© 2016 by Natures Birth Journey


Arielle Acres, Doula Canton NY, Doula Potsdam NY, Doula Watertown NY, Doula Watertown NY, Doula Fort Drum NY, Doula Ogdensburg NY, Doula Gouverneur NY, Doula Northern NY, New York Doula, Alexandria Bay NY, Doula Richville NY, Doula Massena NY, Doula Morristown NY, Doula North Country NY Doula Oxbow NY Doula Massena NY, Doula Lisbon NY, Doula Dekalb NY, Doula Colton NY Doula Carthage NY, Birth Services, Birthing Center Water Birth Midwife herbal herbalist natural health nutrition natural birth Doula will attend births at Claxton Hepburn medical center in ogdensburg, ny samaritan medical center in watertown, ny brockville general hospital in brockville, ontario births in toronto ON, Canton Potsdam Hospital, births, home births, Natural birth, natures birth right doula services, VBAC, VBAC2, VBAC3, C section, apothecary, herbalist,master herbalist, herbal, wise woman way, hypnobirth, hypnob, hypnotherapist, hypnosis, vaginal birth after cesarean, birth journey,  midwife assisted births and more

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