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Blessingway Ceremonies

Arielle Wolter

Blessingway Ceremonies are intended to celebrate the woman becoming a mother and aligning with the sacred divine. Through nature and ancient wisdom women can connect with their inner

selves and find the strength to birth their baby. Most blessingway ceremonies take place in nature however the mother to be can choose wherever she would like. Often the mother to be is

adorned with admiration and gifts from her family and friends for her spiritual journey to motherhood.

Blessingways focus on the women's mental, physical and spiritual self. They prepare the mother to be for the journey of birth as well as the pathway of motherhood. Birthing is often seen as the most important right of passage a woman can go through and therefore she must be ready, supported and loved on all levels of consciousness.

A blessingway ceremony is first and foremost a ritual. There are three different elements to the ritual spiritual, mental and physical. During the first part of the ritual the area is usually cleansed. This cleansing also aids the mothers way throughout her childbearing journey so she may have a safe passage into motherhood and her baby will have a safe passage into the world. Positive energy is raised throughout the ceremony as well to keep a positive atmosphere and positive outlook for the birth.

The next part often includes a reflection meditation. Women can look to there ancestral mothers and ancient wisdom to help them prepare for this time. The mother is given time to reflect on her feelings and thoughts on birth and motherhood. This time can also help the mother to conquer any fears she may have and find comfort and strength in the women surrounding her. This may be in the form of a worry jar or burning bowl.

The focus then turns to the physical aspects next which can include honoring her through many different ways. Pampering, adorning and giving gifts are often parts of a blessing way ceremony as well. The women invited will often have a shared gift that all of them work towards for the mother to be. For example a necklace that they each bring beads for or affirmation cards which they each write an inspiring quote on. Blessings are bestowed upon the mother and baby as well through a variety of ways. It is also traditional for blessingway ceremonies to have food to symbolize the nourishment of the mother to be for the birth ahead.

Traditionally Blessingway Ceremonies only included women and are native to the Navajo Native American tribes who would celebrate a woman's life changes in this ritualistic way.

Blessingways differ from baby showers because they focus on the mother and what she needs to transition to motherhood. This can come in the form of support , encouragement or enlightenment that takes place at the ceremony.

The most important thing when planning a blessingway is to make it have personal elements for the mother. Incorperate things that will make the ceremony personal and most of all have fun.

"If a woman doesn’t look like a goddess during labor, then someone isn’t treating her right.”-Ina May Gaskin

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