Ancient Women
Time is something that has evolved human consciousness and ability. We now know of the knowledge of gravity and how to split the atom however even back to the first female we had the knowledge to give birth.
As women we can all look back to our connection with the original mother and gain power from her wisdom. When we are going through transition we can feel the mothers before us giving us power and strength and if we look deep enough we can realize that we are giving our strength to women who will bear children in the future. During this time women can feel as though time is not important and is something we only limit ourselves to. In the past we knew our birth right as a woman was sacred and empowering. We have a connection with the earth who is the mother of all things. If we delve deep enough we can even find a piece of mother nature in everyone of us just waiting to come forth. Life is something precious your mother passed the gift to you just as you will pass the gift to your child.
The First Mother
The first woman we know of that was a close species to human was Lucy who lived 3.6 million years ago in Africa. She was also found with tracks of a large and small adult as well as a child. Lucy went by her bodies instincts and gave birth naturally. She or someone like her is an ancestor to us all and with out her children we may have not existed here today. It is awe inspiring to think how one woman way back in time could determine the fate of many of us just by giving birth. It is even more so when you think of the future. Will there be a young women who is giving birth to her child hundred of years from now that would have not been able to be here without you? Are you giving her strength her courage and her life right now by giving birth to your child?
Women of Ancient times
In the days of women societies fertility was worshiped and women supported each other in giving birth. Women were often deified and worshiped in these times for the abilities of their womb and breasts. The Wise Woman of the clan would often bestow blessings and good health on the mother and the child. Women would often live with other women of the clan and the baby would be given the mothers family name.
Women of Historic Times
Many women throughout historical time still had high priestesses and goddesses. Marriage became common place in these times as well. Often women would pray to the gods for fertility and prosperity. The midwife and medicine woman were often the same person and served the entire community.
Modern Women
Over the past hundred years our ideas about birth have drastically changed. There are some events
that caused the modern day thought of birth.
The invention of the modern day hospital has truly changed the world. For most people the thought of a medicine woman or midwife is a fairytale. However we can look back only to great grandparents and find that this is not the case. Women used to give birth in their homes and grow herbs that could be used as medicine throughout the year. When the “Maternity Ward” came on the scene giving birth turned from something natural to a type of disease that a doctor must treat.
Our society of today does not do women justice in giving birth. Many have pain medication and interventions on such a high scale they can not even feel that these ancient connections exist.
We can carry and nourish a baby in our womb for nine months and then feed this baby once born. This is a truly incredible feat and every human on this planet was born in just this manner.
“Remember this, for it is as true and true gets: Your body is not a lemon. You are not a machine. The Creator is not a careless mechanic. Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth well as aardvarks, lions, rhinoceri, elephants, moose, and water buffalo. Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body.” -Ina May Gaskin