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Birth Settings

Arielle Wolter

What is your ideal birth setting? Is it in the peace of your own home with a midwife at your side or in a beautiful hospital room with your doctor? Many options are possible for a variety of birth settings however you have to find the ideal one for you. You may be able to have a great water birth in a hospital yet if you have a birth at home your midwife may be against it and vice versa. Different care providers and establishments have different policies and ideals that can influence your birth experience greatly. Therefore it is important to research your options and don't assume you will receive a certain service or experience without asking first. If you want something for your birth and your care provider goes against it ask why. If they do not want to work with you toward your optimal experience it may be time to switch care providers.


Hospital births can be attended by either midwives or OB/GYNs. Certain doctors or midwives may only work at certain hospitals. If you do not like the hospital your care provider works at you can ask them if they will service you at a different one. There are many different maternity settings in a hospital. Some hospitals may be set up to look like home while others can look like a simple hospital bed in a basic hospital room. Go and visit the hospital where you will be having your baby and maybe a couple in the surrounding area. Ask to see the rooms and ask what kind of procedure you will go through during labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum. Also ask of any policies you should be aware of such as any restrictions on people or seeing the baby.

Some hospitals may have Labor Delivery, Recovery (LDR) or Labor, Delivery, Recovery, Postpartum (LDRP) rooms which allow the mother to go through labor, give birth and recover all in the same room. The baby is left with the mother in this situation which allows for maternal bonding. The family is usually allowed to stay with the mother in this type of room as well. The traditional labor and delivery rooms have a separate postpartum room with a separate newborn unit. These types of hospital rooms are less friendly to maternal bonding and breastfeeding since the mother and baby are kept separate.

Birth Centers

Birth centers can vary in appearance but overall have the feeling of home. Therefore your room will usually have a regular bed and a private room to labor and deliver in. Many birth centers have in-suites which have many of the comforts of home such as a private bathroom, bathtub(for water birth), refrigerator, etc. The time in which the mother returns home is much faster than a traditional hospital, usually within a couple hours after having the baby depending on the procedures of the birth center. Mom and baby are kept together in this environment and family is usually more than welcome. Birth centers are often seen as the closest alternative there is to home birth. Most of the attendants at your birth will be midwives however birth centers are usually close to a hospital in case anything goes wrong.

Home Birth

Home births are attended by home birth midwives. Not every midwife will attend a home birth, many may only attend a hospital so if you are unclear ask. Women who have had births at home vs another environment, for example the hospital, will often have had a better experience at home. Home birth allows the birthing woman to be in her own surroundings and often supplies the woman with the most options. Women can do many activities that a modern day facility may prevent such as walking, drinking and eating, massage, etc. Women also tend to relax more in their own home which normally means a quicker less painful birth. Many of the traditional worries such as having to go somewhere and getting there before the baby is born fade away for planned at home birth which alleviates much of the unneeded stress on the mother.

Whatever option you choose for your birth always make sure you are clear on the views of the facility and care provider you will be working with. Knowing sooner will allow you to switch providers easier if the need arises.


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